as always thank you for reading, it means the world to me <3
Years ago I was reading about an abolitionist speak on how cut off culture creates an entire class of disposable people. That class of disposable people are often..marginalized. It can be revolutionary to disallow colonization to poison our relationships. Because lonely people are people without community. Colonizers need you to feel small and individual to counteract you joining forces with others, but also to loving others. Imperialism thrives on hatred and disconnection.
I want to be clear that I’m not flag waving to call/engage people who are awful to you. If your parents don’t know how to act GG leave them right where they’re at. I am however hoping that every now and again we take a step back to look at our behavior and how we may subconsciously participate in harmful systems. And as a resident cheeseball, I want more tender love in the world. I love loving people because it’s fun and fulfilling; it is also my greatest teacher for all my best skills.
Apologies for the ramble! take care of yourself will ya?